The Life of Christ

THE LIFE of JESUS CHRIST- Pastor Alan F. Johnson
Section [1]Scripture 
Christ is GodJohn 1:1-5 
The visitation of Mary to ElisabethLk 1:39-55 
Her return to NazarethLk 1:56 
Joseph’s visionMt 1:20-25 
Birth of John the BaptistLk 1:57-80 
Birth of JesusLk 2:1-7 
ShepherdsLk 2:8-16 
CircumcisionMt 1:25 Lk 2:21 
Presentation and purification to the LORD!Lk 2:22-29 
The GenealogiesMt 1:1-17 Lk 3:23-38 
The wise menMt 2:1-12 
Flight into EgyptMt 2:13-15 
Massacre of the childrenMt 2:16-18 
Return to NazarethMt 2:19-23 Lk 2:39 
Childhood of JesusLk 2:40 
The TempleLk 2:46-50 
Youth of JesusLk 2:51 


The Life of Christ Continued
Section [2]Scripture 
Ministry of John the BaptistMt 3:1-4 Mk 1:1-8 Lk 3:1-6 John 1:6-15 
Baptisms by JohnMt 3:5 Mk 1:5 Lk 3:7 
First testimony of the Baptist to ChristMt 3:11,12 Mk 1:7,8 Lk 3:15-18 
Baptism of Jesus by JohnMt 3:13-17 Mk 1:9-11 Lk 3:21,22 
Temptation of Jesus Wilderness Of JudeaMt 4:1-11 Mk 1:12,13 Lk 4:1-13 
John the Baptist’s second testimonyJohn 1:19-35 
Call of the first disciplesJohn 1:37-51 
First Miracle at CanaJohn 2:1-11 
Visit to CapernaumJohn 2:12 
First Passover: Cleansing of the TempleJohn 2:13-23 
NicodemusJohn 3:1-21 


The Life of Christ Continued
Section [3]Scripture 
The Baptist’s last testimonyJohn 3:23-36 
Christ’s visit to SamariaJohn 4:1-42 
Return to CanaJohn 4:43-46 
Miraculous Healing of the Nobleman’s sonJohn 4:46-54 
Brief visit to JerusalemJohn 5:1-47 
Miracle at pool of BethesdaJohn 5:1-47 
John the Baptist in prisonMt 4:12,17 Mk 1:14,15 
Christ preaches in GalileeLk 4:14,15 
Christ preaches at NazarethMk 6:1 Lk 4:15-30 
Christ preaches at CapernaumMt 4:13-16 Lk 4:31 
Call of Andrew,Peter,James and JohnMt 4:18-22 Mk 1:16-20 Lk 5:1-11 
Miracle catch of fishLk 5:1-11 
Miraculous Healing of a demoniacMk 1:23-27 Lk 4:33-36 
Miraculous Healing of Peter’s mother-in-lawMt 8:14,15 Mk 1:29-31 Lk 4:38,39 
Miraculous Healing of many sick and diseasedMt 8:16,17 Mk 1:32-34 Lk 4:40,41 
Retirement for solitary prayerMk 1:35 Lk 4:42 
Circuit through GalileeMk 1:35-39 Lk 4:42-44 
Miraculous Healing of a leperMt 8:1-4 Mk 1:40-45 Lk 5:12-16 
Retirement for a prayerMk 1:45 Lk 5:16 
Miraculous Healing of a paralyticMt 9:1-8 Mk 2:1-12 Lk 5:18-26 
Call of Matthew(Levi) Discourse at the feastMt 9:9-17 Mk 2:13-22 Lk 5:27-39 
Disciples pick the ears of cornMt 12:1-8 Mk 2:23-28 Lk 6:1-5 
Miraculous Healing of the man with a withered handMt 12:9-14 Mk 3:1-6 Lk 6:6-11 
Retirement for   prayerLk 6:12 
Call of the Twelve ApostlesMt 10:2-4 Mk 3:13-19 Lk 6:13-16 
Sermon on the MountMt 5:7-29 Lk 6:17-49 
Parable of House on rock or sandMt 7:24-29 Lk 6:47-49 
Miraculous Healing of the centurion’s servantMt 8:5-13 Lk 7:1-10 
Miraculous Raising of the son of the Widow of NainLk 7:11-17 
Message from John the BaptistMt 11:2-19 Lk 7:18-35 
Christ’s testimony Mt 11:2-19 Lk 7:18-35 
The woman who was a sinnerLk 7:36-50 
Parable of two debtorsLk 7:41,42 
Tour through Galilee with the twelveLk 8:1-3 
Miraculous Healing of a demoniacMt 12:22 
Blasphemy against the Holy SpiritMt 12:24-37 Mk 3:22-30 
The unclean spiritMt 12:43-46 
The interruption of his relativesMt 12:46 Mk 3:31 
Parables: The SowerMt 13:1-9,18-23 Mk 4:1,14-20 Lk 8:4,11-15 
Parables: The TaresMt 13:24 
Parables: The Mustard seedMt 13:31 Mk 4:30 
Parables: The LeavenMt 13:33 Lk 13:20,21 
Parables: The CandleMt 5:15 Mk 4:21 Lk 8:16 
Parables: The CandleMt 5:15 Mk 4:21 Lk 11:33 
Parables: The TreasureMt 13:44 
Parables: The PearlMt 13:45 
Parables: The DrawnetMt 13:47 
Parables: The Seed growing secretlyMk 4:26-29 
Christ miraculously calms the stormMt 8:24-27 Mk 4:37-41 Lk 8:23-25 
Miracle involving the Gergesene demoniacsMt 8:28-34 Mk 5:1-15 Lk 8:27-35 
Parables: The BridegroomMt 9:15 
Parable of new cloth on old garmentMt 9:16 Mk 2:21 Lk 5:36 
Parable of new wine in old bottlesMt 9:17 Mk 2:22 Lk 5:37,38 
Miracles: Woman with issue of bloodMt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41 
Miracles: Jairus’ daughterMt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41 
Miracles: Two blind menMt 9:27,30 
Miracles: Dumb spiritMt 9:32,33 
Mission of Twelve ApostlesMt 10:1 Mr 6:7-12 Lk 9:1-6 
Death of John the BaptistMt 14:1-12 Mk 6:14-29 Lk 9:7 
Feeding of the five thousandMt 14:13-21 Mk 6:30-44 Lk 9:12-17 John 6:1-13 
Miraculous walking on the waterMt 14:25 Mk 6:48 John 6:19 
Discourse in synagogue on the Bread of LifeMt 14:34 John 6:26-70 


The Life of Christ Continued
Section [4]NotesScripture
Opposition of Scribes and PhariseesMt 15:1 
Discourse on PollutionMt 15:2-20 Mk 7:1-23 
Miraculous Healing of the daughter of the Syrophoenician womanMt 15:21-29 Mk 7:24-30 
Miraculous Healing of the deaf and dumb manMk 7:32 
Miraculous Healing of many sick peopleMt 15:30,31 
Miraculous Feeding of the four thousandMt 15:32-39 Mk 8:1-9 
Parable of the leaven of PhariseesMt 16:1-12 Mk 8:14-22 
Miraculous Healing of the Blind manMk 8:23-27 
Peter’s confession of ChristMt 16:13-21 Mk 8:27-30 
First prediction of the passionweekMt 16:21-28 Mk 8:31-38 Lk 9:22-27 
The transfigurationMt 17:1-8 Mk 9:2-8 Lk 9:28-36 
Miraculous Healing the demoniac childMt 17:14-21 Mk 9:14-27 Lk 9:37-42 
Second prediction of the passion weekMt 17:22,23 Mk 9:31 Lk 9:43,44 
Miracle: The coin in the fish’s mouthMt 17:27 
Lesson on being docileMt 18:1-14 Mk 9:33-37 Lk 9:46-48 
Lesson on forgivenessMt 18:15 Mk 9:43 
Lesson on self-denialMt 18:18 
Parable of the unmerciful servantMt 18:23-35 
Journey to Jerusalem through SamariaLk 9:51,52 
Jealousy of the SamaritansLk 9:53 
Anger of the ‘sons of thunder’Lk 9:54-56 
The feast of tabernaclesJohn 7:2-10 
DiscoursesJohn 7:10-46 
Officers sent to arrest ChristJohn 7:30,46 
The adulteressJohn 8:3 
DiscoursesJohn 8:12 
Christ threatened with stoningJohn 8:59 
Miraculous Healing of the Blind man and discoursesJohn 9:1 
Christ is the DoorJohn 10:1 
Christ is the Good ShepherdJohn 10:11 
Departure from Jerusalem.  
Mission of the seventyLk 10:1-16 
Return of the seventyLk 10:17-24 
Parable of the Good SamaritanLk 10:30-37 
Visit to Martha, MaryLk 10:38-42 
Jesus teaches his disciples to prayLk 11:1-13 
Parable of persistent friendLk 11:5-8 
He miraculously heals the mute demoniacMt 12:22-45 Lk 11:14 
He rebukes the blasphemy of the PhariseesMt 12:22-45 Lk 11:14 
Discourses:- The repentant NinevitesMt 12:41 Lk 11:29-36 
God’s providence to birds and flowersLk 12:1-12 
Parable of the Rich foolLk 12:13-21 
Parable of the servants watchingLk 12:35-40 
Parable of the wise stewardLk 12:42-48 
The murdered GalileansLk 13:1-5 
The barren fig treeLk 13:6-9 
Miraculous Healing of a woman with an infirmityLk 13:10-17 
Visit to Jerusalem at the feast of DedicationJohn 10:22-30 
Attempt to stone JesusJohn 10:31 
Jesus retires across JordanJohn 10:40 
Are there few that be saved?Lk 13:23-30 
The message to HerodLk 13:31-33 
Miraculous Healing of the man with the dropsyLk 14:1-6 
Parable of the great supperLk 14:15-24 
Parable of Tower, King going to warLk 14:28-33 
Parable of the lost sheepMt 18:12,13 Lk 15:1-7 
Parable of the lost coinLk 15:8-10 
Parable of the prodigal sonLk 15:11-32 
Parable of the unjust stewardLk 16:1-13 
Parable of the rich man and LazarusLk 16:19-31 
Parable of the unprofitable servantsLk 17:7-10 
Sickness of LazarusJohn 11:1-10 
Return of Jesus from Peraea to BethanyJohn 11:11-16 
Miraculous Resurrection of LazarusJohn 11:17-46 
The council: Advice of CaiaphasJohn 11:47-53 
Jesus retires to the town of EphraimJohn 11:54 
Last journey to JerusalemMt 19:1 Mk 10:1 Lk 17:11 
Miraculous Healing of the ten lepersLk 17:12-19 
Parable of the unjust judgeLk 18:1-8 
Parable of the Pharisee and the publicanLk 18:9-14 
The question of divorceMt 19:3-12 Mk 10:2-12 
Christ blesses the little childrenMt 19:13-15 Mk 10:13-16 Lk 18:15-17 
The rich young rulerMt 19:16-22 Mk 10:17-22 Lk 18:18-23 
Parable of the labourers in the vineyardMt 20:1-16 
Third prediction of the passion weekMt 20:17-19 Mk 10:32-34 Lk 18:31-34 
Request of James and JohnMt 20:20-28 Mk 10:35-45 
Miraculous Healing of Blind BartimaeusMt 20:29-34 Mk 10:46-52 Lk 18:35-43 
Jesus at the house of ZacchaeusLk 19:1-10 
Parable of the poundsLk 19:11-28 


The Death and Burial
Section [5]Scripture 
Triumphant EntryMatthew 21:1-9 
Fig Tree Cursed / Temple CleansedMatthew 21:10-19 
Jesus Praying, Teaching, on the Mt. of OlivesMatthew 24:3-51 
Washing the apostles’ feetJohn 13:1-17 
The breaking of breadMt 26:26 Mk 14:22 Lk 22:19 
“One of you shall betray me”Mt 26:21 Mk 14:18 Lk 22:21 John 13:21 
“Is it I ?”Mt 26:22-25 Mk 14:19 
Giving of the sop “That thou doest, do quickly”John 13:26,27 
Departure of Judas IscariotJohn 13:30 
Peter warned of denilesMt 26:34 Mk 14:30 Lk 22:34 John 13:38 
Blessing the cupMt 26:27,28 Mk 14:23,24 Lk 22:17 
The discourses after supperJohn 14:1-16:33 
Christ’s prayer for his apostlesJohn 17:1-17:26 
The hymnMt 26:30 Mk 14:26 
The agonyMt 26:37 Mk 14:33 Lk 22:39 John 18:1 
The thrice-repeated prayerMt 26:39-44 Mk 14:36-39 Lk 22:42 
His sweat and comforting by the angelLk 22:43,44 
The sleep of the apostlesMt 26:40-45 Mk 14:37-41 Lk 22:45,46 
Betrayal by JudasMt 26:47-50 Mk 14:34,44 Lk 22:47 Jn 18:2-5 
Peter smites MalchusMt 26:51 Mk 14:47 Lk 22:50 John 18:10 
Christ miraculously heals the ear of MalchusLk 22:51 
Christ forsaken by his disciplesMt 26:56 Mk 14:50 
Christ led to AnnasJohn 18:12,13 
Christ tried by CaiaphasMt 26:57 Mk 14:53 Lk 22:54 John 18:15 
Peter follows ChristMt 26:58 Mk 14:54 Lk 22:55 John 18:15 
The high priest’s statementsMt 26:63 Mk 14:61 
Christ condemned, buffeted, mockedMt 26:66,67 Mk 14:64,65 Lk 22:63-65 
Peter’s denial of ChristMt 26:69-75 Mk 14:66-72 Lk 22:54-62 John 18:17-27 
Christ before PilateMt 27:1,2 Mk 15:1 Lk 23:1 John 18:28 
Repentance of JudasMt 27:3 
Pilate comes out to the peopleJohn 18:29 
Pilate speaks to Jesus privatelyJohn 18:33 
Pilate orders him to be scourgedMt 27:26 Mk 15:15 John 19:1 
Jesus crowned with thornsMt 27:29 Mk 15:17 John 19:2 
Jesus exhibited by Pilate;’Behold the man’John 19:5 
Jesus accused formallyMt 27:11 Mk 15:2 Lk 23:2 
Jesus sent by Pilate to HerodLk 23:6-11 
Jesus mocked, arrayed in purpleLk 23:6-11 
‘Behold your King’John 19:14 
Pilate desires to release himMt 27:15 Mk 15:6 Lk 23:17 John 19:12 
Pilate receives a message from his wifeMt 27:19 
Pilate washes his handsMt 27:24 
Pilate releases BarabbasMt 27:26 
Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucifiedMt 27:26 Mk 15:15 Lk 23:25 John 19:16 
Simon of Cyrene carries the crossMt 27:32 Mk 15:21 Lk 23:26 
They give him vinegar and gallMt 27:34 Mk 15:23 Lk 23:36 
They nail him to the crossMt 27:35 Mk 15:24,25 Lk 23:33 John 19:18 
The superscriptionMt 27:37 Mk 15:26 Lk 23:38 John 19:19 
1. “Father, forgive them…”Lk 23:34 
His garments parted, and vesture allottedMt 27:35 Mk15:24 Lk 23:34 John 19:23 
Passers-by rail, the two thieves revile HimMt 27:39-44 Mk 15:29-32 Lk 23:35 
The penitent thiefLk 23:40 
2. “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”Lk 23:43 
3.” Woman, behold thy son,”John 19:26,27 
Darkness over all the landMt 27:45 Mk 15:33 Lk 23:44,45 
4. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.”Mt 27:46 Mk 15:34 
5. “I thirst”John 19:28 
The vinegarMt 27:48 Mk 15:36 John 19:29 
6. “It is finished”John 19:30 
7. “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit”Lk 23:46 
Rending of the veilMt 27:51 Mk 15:38 Lk 23:45 
Opening of the graves, resurrection of saintsMt 27:52 
Testimony of CenturionMt 27:54 Mk 15:39 Lk 23:47 
Watching of the womenMt 27:55 Mk 15:40 Lk 23:49 
The piercing of his sideJohn 19:34 
Taking down from the crossMt 27:57-60 Mk 15:46 Lk 23:53 John 19:38-42 
Burial by Joseph of Arimethea, NicodemusMt 27:57-60 Mk 15:46 Lk 23:53 John 19:38-42 
A guard placed over the sealed stoneMt 27:65,66 


The Resurrection and the next Forty Days
Description [6]Scripture 
Women carry spices to the tombMt 28:1 Mk 16:1,2 Lk 24:1 
The angel had rolled away the stoneMt 28:2 
Mary Magdalene announces the resurrectionMt 28:8 Lk 24:9,10 John 20:1,2 
Peter and John run to the tombLk 24:12 John 20:3 
The women return to the tombLk 24:1 
The guards report these things to the chief priestsMt 28:11-15 
1. To Mary MagdaleneMk 16:9,10 John 20:14 
“All hail! Fear not. Touch me not”Mt 28:9 John 20:17 
2. To the women returning homeMt 28:9 
“Go tell my brethren that they goMt 28:10 
Into Galilee – there shall they see me”Mt 28:10 
3. The two disciples going to EmmausMk 16:12 Lk 24:13 
4. To Peter1Co 15:5 Lk 24:34 
5. To ten Apostles in the upper roomLk 24:33 Jn 20:19 
“Peace be unto you As my Father hath..”John 20:21 
“sent me, so send I you”John 20:21 
“Receive ye the Holy Spirit..”John 20:22,23 
“Whose sover sins ye remit,”John 20:22,23 
6. To the eleven Apostles in the upper roomMk 16:14 John 20:26 
“Peace be unto you”John 20:26 
7. To Thomas “reach hither thy finger, “John 20:27 
“Blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed”John 20:29 
Miracle – Draught of fishesJohn 21:1-11 
To the disciples at the sea of TiberiasJohn 21:1-24 
8. To Peter;”Feed my sheep,fead my lambs”John 21:15-17 
9. To the eleven disciples on a mountain..Mt 28:16 
10. in Galilee (1 Cor.15.5)Mt 28:16 
“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth”Mt 28:18 
“Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them, “Mt 28:19 
“Lo, I am with you alway,..”Mt 28:20 
:even unto the end of the world. Amen”Mt 28:20 
11. To five hundred brethren at once1Co 15:6 
12. To James1Co 15:7 
THE ASCENSIONMk 16:19 Lk 24:50,51