Question & Answers from the Word of God

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  1. Introduction to the Q & A
  2. Who are the Sons of Thunder? Mark 3:17
  3. What is the Unpardonable Sin? Mt.12:22-32
  4. Do we have a memory in Heaven? Rev.21:4, Isa.65:17
  5. Where did the Old Testament Unbelievers go when they died? Luke 16
  6. Who is Obed? Ruth 4
  7. Who is Melchizedek? Gen.14,Psalm110, Heb. 5-6-7
  8. Is baptism necessary for salvation? Mt.28: 18-20
  9. Who wrote the most in the Bible?
  10. Peter, James, John & Paul: How did they die?
  11. Do we have to be perfect to enter Heaven? John 3: 3, 5
  12. Who is the Greatest Role model?
  13. What happens when you get ahead of God? Genesis 16
  14. Can you summarize “The End Times” in 10 statements?
  15. Can you explain the Trinity- Genesis 1, and John 1: 1-3, 14
  16. What shall we do? Act 1:15- chapter 2
  17. Who did Cain and Seth marry? Genesis 4
  18. What about Tithing? 2 Cor. 9:6,7
  19. Is pre-marital sex OK? 1 Corinthians 7:2
  20. Is the Bible true? John 17:17
  21. Why did Moses leave Egypt, Fast! Ex. 1
  22. How did Jesus feel about paying taxes? Mark 12: 14,15
  23. Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God? Matthew 19:14
  24. Can Jesus Really forgive my many Sins? John 3:16 & 17
  25. What are the greatest events in the life of Christ? The 4 Gosples
  26. Jezebel- Why was she so evil? 1& 2 Kings
  27. How much time does Satan have?
  28. Who are the Nicolaitans? Revelation 2
  29. What kind of bodies will we have in Heaven?
  30. When will the Rapture of the church take place in relation to Daniel’s 70th Week?
  31. How bad will the Tribulation 7 Year Period Be?
  32. Is Your Preacher Telling the “Story”? With Pastor Al
  33. When were the angels created? With Pastor Al
  34. Do you have Solomon’s wisdom? 1 Kings 3:16-28
  35. Should Christians Gamble?
  36. What is God telling us in 1Timothy 3:9?
  37. Will you choose Bar-Jesus or Jesus Christ? Acts 13: 6-12
  38. Are Gossip and Over-Eating sins? Pro. 23:20,21 and Pro. 16: 27, 28
  39. How Old is God? With Pastor Al Johnson
  40. Deadly, Evil Creatures from the Abyss! Revelation 9
  41. Was the Great Flood necessary? Genesis 6
  42. What’s your favorite name for Jesus?
  43. What will Jesus do with”Lukewarm” Christians? Revelation 3:16
  44. Are you Poor in Spirit? Matthew 5:3
  45. Should a Christian get a tattoo? Lev. 19: 28 and Rom. 14: 23
  46. What were the Crusades really like?
  47. Has an Angel been to your house lately? Judges 13-14:6
  48. Do you believe in Miracles? Acts 12
  49. What do we learn from Matthew 18:22?
  50. Is the Da Vinci code true? With Pastor Al Johnson
  51. How important is a Godly wife? Genesis 36
  52. Should there be Women Preachers Today? 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
  53. Do you know your Bible?
  54. Who was Pontius Pilate? All 4 Gospels
  56. Is your Temple Clean? 1 Cor. 6: 19, 20
  57. Are you any different than Peter? Luke 22:51
  58. “Judas Iscariot “ Matthew 26:24
  59. Who was this High Priest Joseph Caiaphas? John 11: 50-53
  60. Easter & Christmas, what do they mean?
  61. Why should we partake of the Lord’s Supper? Matthew 26: 26-29
  62. He did this for YOU! Psalm 22
  63. What is the Theology of the Cross? Romans 8: 9-15
  64. Crucifixion Matthew Mark Luke & John
  65. Are you a withered fig tree? John 11: 12-19
  66. How do I overcome pornography? Mt. 4:1-11
  67. The “7 Woes” of Jesus! Mt. 23: 13-37
  68. The Major Events in the Life of Jesus Christ!
  69. “They forsook Him and fled” Mt. 26:56
  70. Judas Betrays Jesus: Mt. 26: 14-16
  71. Foot Washing- The Lord’s Supper- Betrayal- Jn. 13 & Mt. 26
  72. The Easter Story- Mt. Mk. Lk. & Jn.
  73. What is the difference between Judaism and Christianity?
  74. Is Jesus Only/Oneness biblical? Mt. 3, 17, 28 & Jn. 14:6
  75. It’s not as bad as you think? Pastor Al
  76. Are purgatory/ limbo real places in the Bible?
  77. Who is telling the truth? Pastor Al Johnson
  78. Mutt had a son named “Mickey”!
  79. Do you know the Word? 2 Timothy 2:15 & 3 Timothy 3:16
  80. Public Enemy # 1. 1 John 1:9
  81. Immigration? Legal or not? What’s the answer? With Pastor Al Johnson
  82. Street Gangs, what’s the answer? 2Kings 2: 23, 24
  83. Two Apostles with Jesus, one was a “devil”! John 12:6 & John 6: 70
  84. What is the image and likeness of God? Genesis 1:26
  85. Are you a soul-winner? Philemon 1 with Pastor Al
  86. Why should I “fast”? Mt. 4: 1-11
  87. Should we “fleece or seek a sign” ? Mt. 12: 39, Mt. 16: 1-4
  88. Pedophile! The bottom rung… with Pastor Al Johnson
  89. Do you have “itching ears” ? 2 Timothy 4:3
  90. How should True Christians react to present day “Politics”?
  91. Homosexuality- Is it OK? Genesis 19 & Romans 1
  92. Politics- Republican or Democrat? Mark 12: 17
  93. Where is the exact location of Heaven and Hell? With Pastor Al</a
  94. 7 things God hates! Proverbs 6: 16-19 with Pastor Al
  95. What does “Pillar of Salt” mean? Genesis 19: 26
  96. Do you have a “hedge” around you? Job 1:10 with Pastor Al
  97. Suicide- Never a good solution to problems! John 3:16
  98. Who touched my clothes? Mark 5:25-34 Q&A
  99. Is everyone telling the truth? Matthew 7:21. Q & A
  100. What is the “Promise”? Eph.6:1,2. Q & A
  101. Is the “Gap Theory” true? Genesis 1, 2 Q & A
  102. How do we Defeat “Temptation”? Deut. 6:16 Q & A
  103. How evil is your Tongue? James 3:8 Q & A
  104. Haiti- Feast or Famine? Q & A with Pastor Al
  105. Where will your child go? Proverbs 22:6. Q & A
  106. Would you stop and help? Q & A with Pastor Al
  107. What 4 things do we need to have life? Q & A with Pastor Al
  108. Almighty God- Who is He? Q & A John 3:16
  109. A Perfect Body, Mind, and Spirit? 1 Cor. 15: 42-58. Q & A with Pastor Al
  110. Doctrines of Devils? Q & A 1 Tim. 4: 1,2 with Pastor Al
  111. Abortion- Yes or No? Q & A. Exodus 20:13 with Pastor Al
  112. Now What? Proverbs 11:30 Q & A with Pastor Al
  113. Where does Prophecy come from? Q & A 2 Peter 1:21 with Pastor Al
  114. Why Judas? Mt. 26:25 Q & A with Pastor Al
  115. What is a Living Soul? Genesis 2:7 Q & A with Pastor Al
  116. “ IF “. 1 John 1:9 Q & A with Pastor Al
  117. God’s idea of Beauty? Q&A Gen. 26:7 with Pastor Al
  118. “Temptation” ? Q &A Hebrews 4:15 with Pastor Al
  119. The Good, Bad and Ugly! Lk.10, 15, 16 Q & A with Pastor Al
  120. Love your enemies? Matthew 5:44,45 Q & A with Pastor Al
  121. Reconstruction or Not? Q & A Genesis 1:2 with Pastor Al