Topics From the Word of God

All of the videos below are live. You can click any link to view the video.

  1. Jesus & Satan
  2. Soul & Spirit
  3. Are you going to Hell?
  4. Directions to Heaven
  5. Walk Through the Bible
  6. Adam & Eve
  7. Life After Death
  8. 10 Commandments
  9. Prophecy Week
  10. The Rapture
  11. The Judgment Seat of Christ & The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
  12. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
  13. The Tribulation
  14. 1000 Years!
  15. The Great White Throne
  16. A Summary of the End Times
  17. Zacchaeus
  18. Adam to Noah
  19. Jesus & Paul
  20. Abraham
  21. Phillip
  22. David & Goliath
  23. Leah & Rachel
  24. Jonah
  25. The 7 Sayings of Jesus Christ
  26. Jesus heals Lazarus
  27. Noah Believed!
  28. Daniel and the Lions Den!
  29. The Transfiguration
  30. Vengeance
  31. Revelation & John
  32. Creation
  33. The 7 Time Periods
  34. Paul & Silas
  35. Samson & the Lion
  36. The Ant
  37. The Good Samaritan
  38. Who Can Be Trusted?
  39. Through the Roof!
  40. The Prodigal Son
  41. Choices
  42. John the Baptist
  43. Job Obeyed!
  44. The Roman Centurian
  45. Matthew
  46. The Camel
  47. Jesus at 12
  48. Jacob
  49. Peter Heals
  50. Born Again!
  51. The Full Armor of God
  52. Jesus Walks on the Water
  53. The Tower of Babel
  54. The Golden Calf
  55. Simon from Samaria
  56. The Brazen Serpent
  57. Gal. 5:22,23
  58. The Apostles Creed
  59. The Leper
  60. Romans 6:23
  61. Jericho
  62. John 3:16,17
  63. What is Sin?
  64. Guardian Angels
  65. Old Testament
  66. The Gospels & Acts
  67. Paul’s Letters
  68. Hebrews-Revelation
  69. Rapture-When?
  70. Stephen
  71. “Lord, Lord”. Mt.7:21
  72. Grace-Love-Communion
  73. John 14:1-6
  74. Mark 4:39
  75. Psalm 119:11
  76. Why Hell?
  77. The Lord’s Prayer
  78. Testimony:Part 1
  79. Testimony Part 2
  80. Testimony Part 3
  81. Suicide
  82. Shea & Elisa
  83. Luke 19:10
  84. “Arise” Lk.7:11-17
  85. Lying to God
  86. God See’s All!
  87. Cornelius
  88. The 23rd Psalm
  89. Compare!
  90. Who is Satan?
  91. Burning Bush
  92. The Early Apostles
  93. The Great Whale!
  94. Jacobs Ladder!
  95. Cave of Adullam
  96. Why Scripture?
  97. Eternal Security
  98. Rev. 21: 4
  99. Merry Christmas
  100. My Christmas
  101. Free Will
  102. “The Called” Rom.8:28-31
  103. Almighty God Gen. 1:1
  104. The Unholy Trinity Rev. 12 & 13
  105. Armageddon Rev. 19
  106. Angels Heb. 13:2
  107. Wisdom 1 Kings 3:16
  108. Who is Jesus? Mt.16:13
  109. The 14 Stations Part 1
  110. The 14 Stations Part 2
  111. 144,000
  112. The 7 Seals Rev. 6,8
  113. The 7 Trumpets Rev. 8,9
  114. The 7 Viles Rev. 16-19
  115. The 7 Deadly Sins
  116. Bible Surprises
  117. Bible Quotes
  118. Mary Magdalene
  119. Hansen’s Disease
  120. The Archangel Michael
  121. Capital Punishment Gen. 9:6
  122. Job’s Wife
  123. Jesus- The I Am’s
  124. Credentials John 14:26
  125. Barabbas
  126. Passover
  127. Hypostatic Union
  128. Human Trafficking
  129. 3 Heavens
  130. Grace Eph. 2:8,9
  131. Faith- Rom.10:17
  132. Love- 1 John 4:8
  133. Today-Heb.13:8
  134. Enoch & Elijah
  135. The “Scapegoat” Lev. 16
  136. Lydia & Salvation
  137. 2000 Demons!
  138. Just a Touch! Mark 5
  139. Jarisus’ Daughter, Mark 5
  140. Memorial Day – with Pastor Al
  141. Standing by the Cross! John 19:25 (T)
  142. Go to Church! Hebrews 10:25 (T)
  143. So Help Me God! Proverbs 1: 7 (T)
  144. God’s “Will”! James 1:18 (T)
  145. A Description of Hell- Mt.25:41 (T)
  146. Right Person-Right Place- Right time! (T) with Pastor Al
  147. Fathers Day. Proverbs 3:5,6 (T)
  148. Angels- Good & Bad (T) with Pastor Al
  149. Words we need to know! 1 Peter 1:23 (T)
  150. The Cross of Jesus! Don’t Take It Down!!! With Pastor Al
  151. Stephen- A warrior for God! Acts 6, 7. (T) with Pastor Al
  152. The Three Prodigals! Luke 15:11-32 (T) with Pastor Al
  153. A Great War! Revelation 12:7 (T) with Pastor Al
  154. Faith, Hope & Love 1 Cor. 13:13 (T) with Pastor Al
  155. Easy Sex! 1 Thess. 4:3 (T) with Pastor Al
  156. Mt. Sinai Ex. 20 (T) with Pastor Al
  157. God Comes First! Job 1:21 (T) with Pastor Al
  158. Yes You Can! Romans 10: 17 (T) with Pastor Al
  159. LOVE 1John 4: 19 (T) with Pastor Al
  160. Positive Thinking Mt. 26:41 (T) with Pastor Al
  161. Three women & todays Moms! (T) with Pastor Al
  162. The Whole Armor! ( T ) Eph.6:11-12 with Pastor Al
  163. The Younger son shall rule! Genesis 25:23 (T) with Pastor Al
  164. The Answer Book (T) with Pastor Al
  165. “Get up and Walk”! (T) Acts 2 & 3. With Pastor Al
  166. Are you really a Christian? Part one (T) with Pastor AL
  167. The Age of Accountability (T) Part Two with Pastor AL
  168. Salvation Scriptures (T) Part Three with Pastor AL
  169. The Truth, (T) Part Four with Pastor AL
  170. Summary: Part Five with Pastor AL (T)
  171. Propitiation, with Pastor Al 1 John 2:1, 2 (T)
  172. Creation Genesis 1:1 (T) with Pastor AL
  173. Grace, Rev.22: 21 (T) with Pastor AL
  174. Five Smooth Stones, 1 Sam.17: 40 (T) with Pastor AL
  175. Manna, Rev. 2:17 (T) with Pastor AL
  176. Hell, Luke 16:19 (T) with Pastor AL
  177. Moses Ex. 2, (T) with PastorAL
  178. 10 Rules for Living Ex.20, (T) with Pastor AL
  179. “Curse God and Die!” Job 2:9 (T) with Pastor AL
  180. Seek Him Today! 2 Chron. 7:14 (T) with Pastor AL
  181. Friendship (T) with Pastor AL
  182. Trust & Direction (T) Proverbs 3:5,6 with Pastor AL
  183. Sin Not… Psalm 119: 11 (T) with Pastor AL
  184. I See Four? Dan.3 (T) with Pastor AL
  185. “O Sleeper” Jonah 1:6 (T) with Pastor AL
  186. The “Light”, Psalm 119:105 (T) with Pastor AL
  187. False Prophets Mt.24:11 (T) with Pastor AL
  188. Lambs & Wolves Lk. 10: 3 (T) with Pastor AL
  189. Jesus’ Strength Phil. 4:13 (T) with Pastor AL
  190. Where was Paul? Gal.1:15-18 (T) with Pastor AL
  191. Put it on My Account, Philemon, (T) with Pastor AL
  192. “I am Chief” 1 Timothy 1:15 (T) with Pastor AL
  193. The Way of Cain! Jude 11 (T) with Pastor AL
  194. The King of Kings.,, Rev. 19:16 (T) with Pastor AL
  195. You! (T) with Pastor AL
  196. Sanctify Them! John 17:17 (T) with Pastor AL
  197. The Living God, Daniel 6:26 (T) with Pastor AL
  198. God’s Music (T) with Pastor AL
  199. The Synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2:9 (T) with Pastor AL
  200. Life is a vapor! James 4:14 (T) with Pastor AL
  201. Peter’s Being Born Again, 1 Peter 1:23 (T) with Pastor AL
  202. Training a Child Proverbs 22: 6 (T) with Pastor AL
  203. Giants, Genesis 6:4 (T) with Pastor AL
  204. Jesus, Remember Me Luke 23:42 (T) with Pastor AL
  205. Jolie & Daniel with Pastor AL
  206. Pray without Ceasing, 1 Thess. 5:17 (T) with Pastor AL
  207. “…As for me…” Jos.24:15 (T) with Pastor AL
  208. Being Afraid? 23 Psalm, (T) with Pastor AL
  209. Do you really want to be rich? Mt.19:23,24 (T) with Pastor AL
  210. Share, Romans 10:9 (T) with Pastor AL
  211. Don’t Second Guess God! Acts 9 (T) with Pastor AL
  212. Are you Naked? Eph.6:11 (T) with Pastor AL
  213. Called Apostles! Mt. 10 (T) with Pastor AL
  214. Powerful Words! Acts (T) with Pastor AL
  215. O Death where is thy sting? 1 Cor.15:55 (T) with Pastor AL
  216. Walking on water! Phil.4:13 (T) with Pastor AL
  217. Fallen!!! Isa.14:12 (T) with Pastor AL
  218. From Rags to Riches, Luke 8:2 (T) with Pastor AL
  219. Coronavirus John 14:6 (T) with Pastor AL
  220. Almost Persuaded! Acts 26:28 (T) with Pastor AL
  221. Please Lord! I Samuel 1:11 (T) with Pastor AL
  222. Love & Obedience John 14:15 (T) with Pastor AL
  223. Legion, Mark 5:9 (T) with Pastor AL
  224. The Power of the Blood! Ex.12, (T) with Pastor AL
  225. Jesus is Eternal Security! John 10:27, 28 (T) with Pastor AL
  226. Go to Church! Heb.10:25 (T) with Pastor AL
  227. War in Heaven & Earth, Rev.12:7-9, John 14:6 (T) with Pastor AL
  228. 120 Years Genesis 6:3 (T) with Pastor AL
  229. Public Enemy #1&2 John 11 (T) with Pastor AL
  230. Jesus Never Changes! Heb.13:8 (T) with Pastor AL
  231. Peters Tells the Truth! 1 Peter 3:18-20 (T) with Pastor AL
  232. Old Camel Knees! James 5:16,17 (T) with Pastor AL
  233. Restrictions Rev.21:4 (T) with Pastor AL
  234. Three Inventions! (t) with Pastor AL
  235. Discipleship Mt.4:18-20 (T) with Pastor AL
  236. The 3 P’s Romans 10:17 (T) with Pastor AL
  237. Do Not Worry! Mt. 6:33 & Phil.4:6-8 (T) with Pastor AL
  238. Conscience Acts 23:1 (T) with Pastor AL
  239. Scapegoat Lev.16:21, (T) with Pastor AL
  240. No Plague will hurt you! Psalms 91:9-11 (T) with Pastor AL
  241. A Second Time! Jonah 3:1 (T) with Pastor AL
  242. No Idols! (T) 1 John 5:21 with Pastor AL
  243. Love Forever? 1 Peter 1:23 (T) with Pastor AL
  244. Whom do you say I am? Mt. 16:15 (T) with Pastor AL
  245. He is risen! Luke 24:6,7 (T) with Pastor AL
  246. Total Defeat! Rev.20:10 (T) with Pastor AL
  247. The Fear of the Lord! Proverbs 1:7 (T) with Pastor AL
  248. Greater Love, John 15:13, (T) with Pastor AL
  249. “Seek the Lost” Luke 19:10 (T) with Pastor AL
  250. Vegetarians! Gen.1:29,30 (T) with Pastor AL
  251. Deadly Poison! James 3:8 (T) with Pastor AL
  252. Special Day! (t) Romans 6:23 with Pastor AL Johnson
  253. Deadly Poison 2 KJB (T) with Pastor AL
  254. The Lord Rebuke Thee! Jude 1:9 (T) with Pastor AL
  255. Jesus & Satan Revisited Mt.4:1-11 (T) with Pastor AL
  256. Unity Eph.4:3 (T) with Pastor AL
  257. I love to Sin! 1 Cor.2:9 & Rom:6:23 (T) with Pastor AL
  258. Scott, Michael & Daniel (T) with Pastor AL
  259. The Carpenter’s Son Mark 6:3 (T) with Pastor AL
  260. Fruit of the Spirit Gal.5:22,23 (T) with Pastor AL
  261. The Left and the Right! Psalms 63:3 (T) with Pastor AL
  262. The Widow Gave it All! Luke 21:1-4 (T) with Pastor AL
  263. The Advocate 1 John 2:1,2 (T) with Pastor AL
  264. The Wiles of the Devil! Eph.6:11 (T) with Pastor AL
  265. The Darkest Three Hours! Luke 23:44-46 (T) with Pastor AL
  266. God Is Eternal! Rev.1:3 & 2 Peter 3:8 (T) with Pastor AL
  267. Are you an Enemy of God? James 4:4 (T) with Pastor AL
  268. Reservation in Heaven! 1 Peter 1:4 (T) with Pastor AL
  269. Following Directions! John 10:27 (T) with Pastor AL
  270. Plan Ahead! Ecc.10:10 (T) with Pastor AL
  271. “Your Will Be Done! Mt.26:39 (T) with Pastor AL
  272. The Ultimate Shelter (T) Genesis 1:1 with Pastor AL
  273. The End Times, Part 1 Revelation, (T) with Pastor AL
  274. The End Times, Part 2, (T) with Pastor AL
  275. Nine (9) Groups of Angels (T) with Pastor AL
  276. True Believers? Numbers (T)
  277. Who is The Holy Spirit? John 14:16,17 (T)
  278. Moses Parents Ex.6:20 (T)
  279. The Book of Life (T) or The Lambs Book of Life
  280. Hats Tell Stories! (T)
  281. Hannah & Prayer 1 Samuel 1 (T)
  282. How to Seek God! 2 Chron. 7:14 (T)
  283. David & Philip 1 Samuel 17 & Acts 8 (T)
  284. Who is the Greatest? Luke 7:28 (T)
  285. Spirit, Mind & Body ROM. 12:1 (T)
  286. 185,000 Vs One Angel of God 2Kings 19:35 (T)
  287. The Great Disaster! Matthew 10:32,33 (T)
  288. Desperately Wicked! Jer. 17:9 (T)
  289. Father’s Day, Mt.1:19 (T)
  290. Free Will 1 John 2:1,2 (T)
  291. Major Trouble! Gen.34 (T)
  292. Make Someone happy Day Psalm 118:24 (T)
  293. The Revelation! Rev.1:10,11 (T)
  294. “Skin for Skin” Job 2:4 (T)
  295. Are you a Sluggard? Proverbs 6:6 (T)
  296. July 4, 2020 (T)
  297. Little Children! Mt.18:1-3 (T)
  298. Announcement! Pastor Al Johnson
  299. Do you get it? Ps.86:13 (T)
  300. Are Genealogies Important? (T)
  301. “No More”! Jer.31:34 (T)
  302. Black Holes! Jude 1:13 (T)
  303. The Lake of Fire- Rev.20:15 (T)
  304. Who was Adah? Gen.36:10 (T)
  305. Spiritual Blessings Eph.1:3 (T)
  306. The Philippian Jailer Acts 16:30,31 (T)
  307. Back to the Gap Theory! Gen.1;1-2 (T)
  308. Are we saved by Baptism? Mark 16:16 & Eph.2:8,9 (T)
  309. Who is going to Hell? Jn.3:16-18 & Mt.10:32,33 (T)
  310. Church or not? Heb.10:25 (T)
  311. Time Proverbs 27:1 (T)
  312. The 7 Days of Creation Gen. 1 & 2 (T)
  313. The Rapture & The Second Coming of Jesus (T)
  314. Raising Cain Genesis 4:8 (T)
  315. The Perfect Scripture John 14:6 (T)
  316. What can I do? 2 Chron. 7:14 (T)
  317. Faith Eph.2:8 (T)
  318. The Old Rugged Cross! The Gospels! (T)
  319. Whosoever!! Mt. 10:32,33 (T)
  320. Charge It! The Bible (T)
  321. FOREVER Hebrews 13:8 (T)
  322. The Apostles Creed Again! The Goapels (T)
  323. A Birthday Gift 1 Cor. 13 (T)
  324. Three God’s? The Bible (T)
  325. Pets & Heaven Gen.1:26 (T)
  326. Election 2020 (T)
  327. Your Election? Mt.10:32,33 (T)
  328. Love Deeply 1 Peter 4:8 (T)